European Medical Organisations’ Statement on Brexit

European Medical Organisations’ statement on Brexit

European Medical Organisations’ statement on Brexit

As stated repeatedly, Brexit, in whatever form it takes, will impact negatively upon our members’ ability to provide the highest possible standards of healthcare to their patients across Europe, particularly those in the UK.

Whilst being disappointed that the UK has chosen to leave the EU, we welcome its decision to do so in an orderly manner with the adoption of the withdrawal agreement which mitigates Brexit’s impact upon our profession.

The Withdrawal Agreement’s provision for the continued mutual recognition of professional qualifications, at least until the end of the transition period in December 2020, mitigates Brexit’s negative impact upon our members’ ability to be trained, to work and to educate the next generation of doctors across Europe’s borders. Likewise, its provision for the UK’s ongoing participation in the Alert Mechanism for the same period is a welcome boost to patient safety across the continent.

The mitigating effects of the Withdrawal Agreement will be most keenly felt on the island of Ireland where EU legislation and funding has played a critical role in the development, delivery and significant integration of vital cross-border health services.

Now, it is imperative that the such essential provisions be included within the legal framework governing the Future Relationship between the EU and UK.

As such, we call on the UK government and the EU institutions to do whatever is necessary, via the negotiation of pragmatic solutions, to ensure that the European medical profession can continue to treat its patients to the highest possible level beyond the end of the transition period.

We stand alongside our colleagues in the British Medical Association ready to assist with this herculean task.

Dr Erich-Theo Merholz, President of AEMH (European Association of Senior Hospital Physicians)

Dr José Santos, President of the CEOM (European Council of Medical Orders)

Prof. Dr Frank Ulrich Montgomery, President of the CPME (Standing Committee of European Doctors)

Mr Nikolaos C. Xifaras, President of EMSA (European Medical Students’ Association)

Mr Mathias Körner, President of the EJD (European Junior Doctors’ Association)

Dr Joao De Deus, President of FEMS (European Federation of Salaried Doctors)

Dr Calin Bumbulut, President of the UEMO (European Union of General Practitioners)

Prof. Vassilios Papalois, President of the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists)

Miriam Beatrice Vita D’Ambrosio

Communication and Project Officer

Comité Permanent des Médecins Européens

Standing Committee of European Doctors

15 Rue Guimard – 1040 Brussels

tel:  +32 2 732 72 02

fax: +32 2 732 73 44


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