Ενημερωτική επιστολή από General Medical Council του Ηνωμ. Βασιλείου για τις εγγραφές των ιατρών μετά το Brexit 3 February 2020 Dear European colleagues UK exit from the European Union I am writing to you following the UK’s exit from the European Union (EU) last week....
European Medical Organisations' statement on Brexit European Medical Organisations’ statement on Brexit As stated repeatedly, Brexit, in whatever form it takes, will impact negatively upon our members’ ability to provide the highest possible standards of healthcare to...
Αναφορά Εκπροσώπων Π.Ι.Σ. από τη συνεδρίαση του Συμβουλίου της UEMS (UEMS Council) Λονδίνο, Ην. Βασίλειο, 18-19/10/2019 [wonderplugin_pdf src="https://pis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/UEMS-COUNCIL-OCTOBER-2019-LONDON-ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ-ΕΚΠΡΟΣΩΠΩΝ-ΠΙΣ.pdf" width="100%"...
CPME: European Doctors announce their opinion on novel tobacco & nicotine products The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) has adopted a new policy on novel tobacco and nicotine products. European doctors are highly concerned about the health risks of...